Honour Roll

Life Membership


Awarded to Susan Buchanan

Extract from President John Pettett's report to the AGM 1st November 2017
Now if you’ve been paying attention you’ll have noticed that I haven’t mentioned Susan Buchanan.  I have saved the best until last. Susan’s magnum opus this year was, of course, the Portfolio Programme. More than thirty of us will complete our projects and you’ll see the outcomes in just a couple of weeks on the 15th. We will forever be in Susan’s debt for her insights, her patience, her perseverance, cajoling, exhortations and downright bullying as she dragged us through the process. For two afternoons in each of eight months Susan happily provided the venue for us to meet in her home and plied us with tea and coffee.
Susan’s official role on committee is that of Public Officer but we benefit enormously from her deep knowledge of the camera club world and of all matters photographic. Her ten years as President also gives us the unique benefit of having on hand all that experience. At committee meetings she prefers to listen attentively.  Then, just when we seem to be going round in circles on some topic or other, Susan will pipe up with a concise summation of the issue and a clear suggestion of how to proceed. The word I would choose to describe Susan is ‘invaluable’.
I’m sure that each of you has benefited from Susan’s advice and friendship somewhere along the line and, thus, it will come as no surprise to learn that your committee has, without hesitation, voted to award Susan with Northside Creative Photography’s highest accolade which is that of Life Membership.


Jan Glover

Life Membership


Awarded to Jan Glover

Citation to follow

Life Membership


Awarded to Jacques Roussel

Citation to follow

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